Title Author Categories Date
Getting Started with CALFEWS Sai Veena Uncategorized 06/03/2024
Ensemble forecasting - application Zach Brodeur Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Synthetic-generation, Literature, Hydrologic-models, Ai, Climate-change, Weather, News, Overview, Climate 05/20/2024
Sankey diagrams for USGS gauge data in python(?) Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Tutorial, Visualization, Demo, Programming, Getting-started, Python, Figure-editing, Plotly, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Dataviz 05/15/2024
A quick introduction to GPU Programming in Python Lillian Lau Dl, Machine-learning, Cpu, Gpu-programming, Cpus, Gpus, Ai, Colab, Parallel-computing, Python, Cuda, Cloud-computing, Google-colab, Neural-networks, Pytorch, Tutorials, Tensor-multiplication, Gpu 05/27/2024
Performing runtime diagnostics using MOEAFramework Lillian Lau Exercises, Tutorial, Diagnostics, Linux, Training, Programming, Moeaframework, Java, Software, Python 04/23/2024
Colorado State Decision Tools Sai Veena Hydrology, Uncategorized, Data, Environment, Water-assessment, Climate-change, Decision-tool, Gis, Colorado 05/07/2024
Ensemble forecasting - theory Zach Brodeur Uncategorized, Synthetic-generation, Science, Literature, Statistics, Numerical-methods, Weather, Butterfly-effect, Meteorology, Overview, Climate 04/15/2024
Introduction to Bayesian Regression using PyMC Trevor Amestoy Tutorial, Pymc, Training, Programming, Introduction, Statistics, Getting-started, Bayesian, Software, Python, Model, Regression, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Bayesian-modeling 04/11/2024
Parallel Programming Part 2: Demonstrating OpenMP constructs with a simple test case Lillian Lau C, Pragma, Tutorial, Programming, Code-examples, Constructs, Parallel-programming, Openmp, High-performance-computing, Parallel-computing, Hpc 03/27/2024
Python Profiling with line_profiler Sai Veena Uncategorized, Runtime, Cpython, Pandas, Python, Data-science, Lineprofile 04/01/2024
Nonstationary stochastic watershed modeling Zach Brodeur Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Synthetic-generation, Time-series, R, Environment, Hydrologic-models, Statistics, Python, Data-science 03/11/2024
Parallel Programming Part 1: A brief introduction to OpenMP directives and constructs Lillian Lau C, Programming, Openmp, Hpc, High-performance-computing 03/04/2024
Interactive Visualization of Scientific Data and Results with Panel davidlafferty94 Visualization, Tutorials, Python 02/27/2024
Tipping Points: Harnessing Insights for Resilient Futures Marilyn Smith Uncategorized 02/14/2024
The Thomas-Fiering Model for Synthetic Streamflow Generation with a Python Implementation Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Synthetic, Synthetic-generation, Tutorial, Programming, Python, Model, Hydrology, Tutorials 02/08/2024
A quick and straightforward introduction to LIME Lillian Lau Exercises, Xai, Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Scenario-discovery, Tutorial, Sensitivity-analysis, Programming, Ai, Local-interpretable-model-agnostic-explanations, Gradient-boosted-trees, Python, Xgboost, Regression-trees, Data-science, Explainable-ai, Lime, Artificial-intelligence 01/30/2024
Geocoding Using Google API Key in Python Marilyn Smith Uncategorized, Tutorial, Programming, Code-examples, Python, Tutorials 01/22/2024
12 Years of WaterProgramming: A Retrospective on >500 Blog Posts Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Retrospective, Blog, Statistics, Getting-started, Python, Web-publishing, Wordpress 01/15/2024
Infrastructure Investment Selection as a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problem (Part 2) Lillian Lau Exercises, Gurobi, Tutorial, Linear-programming, Stochastic-programming-tutorial, Programming, Stochastic-programming, Python, Cvxpy, Two-stage-stochastic-programming 12/18/2023
An introduction to linear programming for reservoir operations (part 2) - Implementation with Pyomo Trevor Amestoy Exercises, Uncategorized, Lp, Linear-programming, Tutorial, Reservoir, Programming, Code-examples, Getting-started, Python, Tutorials, Overview 12/01/2023
Runtime Visualization of MOEA with Platypus in Python Michael Luo Visualization, Programming, Project-platypus, Python, Jupyter, Matplotlib 11/14/2023
Infrastructure Investment Selection as a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problem (Part 1) Lillian Lau 2-stage-stochastic-programming, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Programming, Stochastic-programming, Tutorials 11/07/2023
Communicating model architecture with Python Diagrams Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Diagrams, Tutorial, Visualization, Modeling, Programming, Python 10/11/2023
An introduction to linear programming for reservoir operations (part 1) Trevor Amestoy Exercises, Decision, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Linear-programming, Toy-problem, Optimization, Training, Hydroelectric, Reservoir, Programming, Introduction, Getting-started, Hydrology, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Overview 10/02/2023
How ChatGPT Helped Me To Convert a MATLAB Toolbox to Python and Learn Python Coding vyildiz65 Matlab, Programming, Ai, Chatgpt, Python 09/18/2023
Weather Regime-Based Stochastic Weather Generation (Part 2/2) Nasser Najibi Risk-assessment, Synthetic-generation, Diagnostics, Hydrologic-models, Climate-change, Statistics, Water-management, Weather-generator, Model-performance, Tutorials 09/05/2023
The Reed Group Lab Manual for efficient training & open science Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Tutorial, Markdown, Training, Programming, Jupyter-notebook, Open-source, Reed-group, Python, Lab-manual 09/01/2023
Exploring droughts produced by an ensemble of synthetically generated streamflow records David Gold Uncategorized 08/25/2023
An overview of the National Hydrologic Model Trevor Amestoy Usgs, Prms, Uncategorized, Data, Hydrologic-models, Nhm, Getting-started, Model, Nhd, Geospatial-modeling, Overview, Datasets 08/18/2023
Weather Regime-Based Stochastic Weather Generation (Part 1/2) Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Synthetic-generation, R, Tutorials 08/07/2023
Variance-based local time varying sensitivity analysis: A tutorial Lillian Lau Tutorial, Variance-based-sensitivity-analysis, Training, Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Programming, Time-varying-sensitivity-analysis, Python, Global-sensitivity-analysis 08/01/2023
Legacy Code Reborn: Wrapping C++ into MATLAB Simulink raffaelegiuseppecestari C, Matlab, Tutorial, Wrappers, Programming, Simulink, Tips 09/13/2023
A customizable script for flexible & attractive parallel axis plots in Python Andrew Hamilton Python, Visualization, Uncategorized, Parallel-axis-plots 07/27/2023
Multiobjective design of a cantilever beam - an interactive pedagogical example David Gold Moea, Optimization, Pareto-dominance, Project-platypus, Python, Multiobjective-optimization, Platypus, Many-objective-concepts 07/21/2023
Rodionov's Regime Shift Detection Algorithm and the "Epic Pluvial" in the Delaware Basin Trevor Amestoy Drb, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Time-series, Rodionov, Programming, Literature, Statistics, Python, Regimes, Nyc, Tutorials, Climate 07/07/2023
Intro to HDF5/h5py and comparison to CSV for speed & compression Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Data, Timing, Data-compression, Python, Hdf5, File-input-output 06/22/2023
Parameter estimation of Hidden Markov Models using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method in Julia Lillian Lau Hidden-markov-models, Hmm, Mcmc, Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Tutorial, Markov-chain-monte-carlo, Programming, Synthetic-timeseries, Julia, Streamflow, Jupyter, Tutorials, Bayesian-modeling, Markov-chain 06/12/2023
Highlighting the Excellence in Systems Analysis Teaching and Innovative Communication (ECSTATIC) Repository Rohini Gupta Training, Uncategorized, Tutorials, Overview 06/05/2023
Figure Library Part 2 - Visualizations Supporting Synthetic Streamflow Diagnostics Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Synthetic-generation, Time-series, Diagnostics, Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Visualization, Programming, Synthetic-timeseries, Statistics, Getting-started, Python, Figure-editing, Figure-library, Tips 05/24/2023
Building the Reed Group Figure Library - Part 1 Visualizations Supporting MOEA Diagnostics David Gold Visualization, Programming, Moea-diagnostics, Python, Lab-manual, Many-objective-concepts 05/16/2023
Optimizing reservoir operations with Reinforcement Learning, Pt 1: Creating a custom Gymnasium environment Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Tutorial, Gym, Programming, Reservoirs, Reinforcement-learning, Python, Control, Proximal-policy-optimization 04/27/2023
The Colorado River Basin: Exploring its Past, Present, and Future Management Audrey Noziere Drought-mitigation, Uncategorized, Colorado, Training, Drought, Literature, Getting-started, Water-management, Overview 05/01/2023
Exploring Internal Variability with Hidden Markov Models in Our Newly Published eBook Interactive Tutorial Rohini Gupta Drought-mitigation, Uncategorized, Training, Statistics, Tutorials 04/17/2023
Deep Reinforcement Learning with PPO (the ML kind, not the health insurance kind) Lillian Lau Uncategorized, Deep-reinforcement-learning, Programming, Sb3, Ppo2, Rl, Proximal-policy-optimization, Openai, Machine-learning, Tutorial, Jupyter, Ppo, Tutorials, Exercises, Gym, Openai-gym, Reinforcement-learning, Python, Drl 04/12/2023
Creating Interactive Geospatial Maps in Python with Folium Trevor Amestoy Hyriver, Mapping, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Geospatial, Visualization, Programming, Folium, Python, Jupyter, Web-publishing, Tutorials, Geospatial-modeling, Dataviz 04/05/2023
Exploring time-evolving vulnerability with the newly published interactive tutorial in the Addressing Uncertainty in MultiSector Dynamics Research eBook David Gold Ebook, Multisector-dynamics, Visualization, Programming, Jupyter-notebook, Python, Scenario-discovery, Tutorials 03/31/2023
Causality for Dummies Lillian Lau Ccms, Information-theoretic, Pcmci, Granger-causality, Causal-discovery, Correlation, For-dummies, Causality, Literature, Cross-convergent-mapping, Pc, Causal-theory, Causal-inference, Overview 03/14/2023
Introducing the GRRIEn Analysis Framework: Defining standards for reproducible and robust supervised learning of earth surface processes at large spatial scales Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Statistics, Git-and-github, Model-performance, Geospatial-modeling 03/06/2023
Detecting Causality using Convergent Cross Mapping: A Python Demo using the Fisheries Game David Gold Causal-inference, Jupyter, Python, Ccm 02/21/2023
Intro to PID controllers with a reservoir example Andrew Hamilton Reservoirs, Python, Uncategorized, Control 02/08/2023
Using drawdata and Mercury in Jupyter Notebooks Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Training, Jupyter, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 01/30/2023
Structuring a Python Project: Recommendations and a Template Example Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Tutorial, Training, Workflow, Programming, Getting-started, Organization, Python, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Overview, File-management 01/18/2023
Ringing in the year with a lil' bit of Tkinter Lillian Lau Uncategorized, Tutorial, Programming, Graphical-user-interface, Tkinter, Gui, Tkinter-gui, User-interface, Waterpaths, Python, Tutorials, How-to-make-a-python-gui, Tkinter-tutorial 01/09/2023
Animating figures with Manim: A citation network example Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Tutorial, Visualization, Citation, Animation, Python 12/20/2022
The Building Blocks of Time Series Analysis (plus a demo!) Lillian Lau Matlab, Uncategorized, Time-series-analysis, Tutorial, Time-series, Programming, Filtering, Spectrograms, Fourier-transforms 11/30/2022
QPPQ Method for Streamflow Prediction at Ungauged Sites - Python Demo Trevor Amestoy Exercises, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Time-series, Qppq, Training, Programming, Hydrologic-models, Predictions, Python, Streamflow, Hydrology, Tutorials, Pub 11/22/2022
Creating a collaborative lab manual pt. 2: Automated build & deploy with GitHub Actions Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Github, Jupyter-notebook, Github-actions, Python 11/09/2022
Copula Coding Exercise Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, R, Time-series, Training, Statistics, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 10/31/2022
Markdown-Based Scientific and Computational Note Taking with Obsidian Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Productivity, Markdown, Literature, Obsidian, Organization, Latex, Jupyter, Tips-and-tricks 10/21/2022
Enhancing Jupyter Notebooks for Teaching Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Training, Visualization, Jupyter, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 10/10/2022
Creating a collaborative research group lab manual with Jupyter Books Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Websites, Training, Github, Jupyter-notebook, Python 09/30/2022
Efficient hydroclimatic data accessing with HyRiver for Python Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Api, Visualization, Hydrologic-models, Python, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, Geospatial-modeling 09/20/2022
Fisheries Training Part 2 – Tradeoff Visualization and Introduction to J3 Lillian Lau D3-js, Fishgame, Training, Pyborg, Data-visualization, D3, Predator-prey, J3, Programming, Project-platypus, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Tutorial, Visualization, Interactive-data-visualization, Fisheries, Mordm, Borg, Exercises, Borg-moea, Python 09/14/2022
Bivariate choropleth maps Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Tutorial, Maps, Visualization, Python, Gis 09/08/2022
A Hidden-Markov Modeling Based Approach to Creating Synthetic Streamflow Scenarios Rohini Gupta Statistics, Training, Uncategorized, Tutorials 08/30/2022
Time-evolving scenario discovery for infrastructure pathways David Gold Visualization, Tutorials, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Scenario-discovery, Tips, Infrastructure-pathways 08/25/2022
Fisheries Training Part 1 - Harvest Optimization and MOEA Diagnostics Trevor Amestoy Borg, Exercises, Tutorial, Fishgame, Training, Pyborg, Project-platypus, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Platypus, Predator-prey, Tutorials 08/08/2022
Cythonizing your Python code, Part 2: Next steps with reservoir simulation Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Cython, Simulation, Reservoirs, Python 08/05/2022
Constructing interactive Ipywidgets: demonstration using the HYMOD model Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Tutorial, Education, Visualization, Code-examples, Hydrologic-models, Python, Hydrology, Tutorials 07/20/2022
Fisheries Training 0: Exploring Predator-Prey Dynamics Lillian Lau Analytics, Tutorial, Training, Visualization, Programming, Binder, Jupyter-notebook, Python, Lotka-volterra, Jupyter-lab, Fisheries 07/12/2022
Viewing your Scientific Landscape with VOSviewer Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Bibliographic-network, Visualization, Vosviewer, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 07/05/2022
Cythonizing your Python code, Part 1: the basics. Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Efficiency, Programming, Cython, Python 06/29/2022
A time-saving tip for simulating multiple scenarios Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Efficiency, Diagnostics, Timing, Python, Model-performance, Tips 06/14/2022
Introduction to Drought Metrics Rohini Gupta Matlab, Uncategorized, Statistics, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 06/06/2022
Generating synthetic timeseries while preserving historic correlation: A case study for reservoir inflow and water demand Trevor Amestoy Exercises, Uncategorized, Synthetic-generation, Time-series, Correlation, Statistics, Python 06/01/2022
Containerizing your code for HPC (Docker + Singularity) Andrew Hamilton Hpc, Uncategorized, Docker, Containers 05/25/2022
Continuous Deployment with GitHub Actions (or, What Gives Life to a Living eBook?) Travis Thurber Uncategorized, Tutorial, Ci-cd, Github, Github-actions, Git-and-github, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 05/09/2022
MORDM IX: Discovering scenarios of consequence Lillian Lau Boosted-trees, Factor-mapping, Machine-learning, Scenario-discovery, Visualization, Visual-analytics, Python, Pandas, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Robust-decision-making, Mordm 06/20/2022
A step-by-step tutorial for scenario discovery with gradient boosted trees David Gold Boosted-trees, Factor-mapping, Sk-learn, Machine-learning, Sensitivity-analysis, Factor-ranking, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Scenario-discovery, Tutorials 04/22/2022
Checkpointing and restoring runs with the Borg MOEA Andrew Hamilton Borg, Python, Borg-moea, High-performance-computing 04/13/2022
Using Python, Sphinx, and reStructuredText to Create a Book (and Introducing our eBook: Addressing Uncertainty in Multisector Dynamics Research!) Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Tutorial, Restructuredtext, Python, Tutorials, Sphinx 04/07/2022
Running a Python script using Excel macros Lillian Lau Run-python-in-excel, Linking-excel-to-python, Linking-python-to-excel, Macros, Tutorial, Excel-vba, Visualization, Vba, Excel, Execute-python-in-excel, Visual-basic, Python, Excel-macros, How-to-write-a-macro 03/30/2022
To parallelize or not to parallelize? On performance of hybrid schemes in Python with the Borg MOEA Andrew Hamilton Uncategorized, Borg-moea, Lake-problem, Parallel-programming, Hpc, Python 03/24/2022
Clustering basics and a demonstration in clustering infrastructure pathways Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Tutorial, K-means, Code-examples, Hierarchical, Python, Clustering, Infrastructure-pathways 03/16/2022
Efficient Storage and Querying of Geospatial Data with Parquet and DuckDB Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, R, Sql, Duckdb, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 03/07/2022
MORDM VII: Optimality, robustness, and reevaluation under deep uncertainty Lillian Lau Analytics, Tutorial, Linux, Optimization, Programming, Robustness, Slurm, Research-triangle, Python, Bash, Du-reevaluation, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Mordm 03/01/2022
Root finding algorithm basics Trevor Amestoy Uncategorized, Bisection, Numerical-methods, Python, Root-finding, Newton-raphson 02/24/2022
Milton Friedman's thermostat and sensitivity analysis of control policies Andrew Hamilton Information-theory, Sensitivity-analysis, Uncategorized, Control 02/17/2022
Understanding Information Usage in Machine Learning Models Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Overview 02/07/2022
Containerizing Rhodium with Docker Lillian Lau Containerization, Rhodium, Containers, Project-platypus, Programming, Docker, Python 02/01/2022
Five tips for creating visually appealing scientific posters Antonia Hadjimichael Visualization, Agu, Poster, Conference 12/17/2021
Data Augmentation for Time Series Application Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Time-series 11/29/2021
The ma-R-velous tidyverse Lillian Lau Tidyverse, Data-management, Programming, R 11/17/2021
Plotting change on maps Antonia Hadjimichael Maps, Visualization, Data-visualization, Python, Cartopy, Shift-map, Matplotlib 11/15/2021
Easy batch parallelization of code in any language using mpi4py David Gold Programming, Code-examples, Unix, Slurm, Python, Parallel-computing, High-performance-computing 11/10/2021
Tips for Creating Watershed Maps in R Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, R, Visualization, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Geospatial-modeling 10/18/2021
MORDM VIII: Characterizing the effects of deep uncertainty Lillian Lau Uncategorized, Tutorial, Heatmaps, Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Programming, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Robust-decision-making, Mordm, Tutorials, Matplotlib, Tips 04/26/2022
Make LaTeX easier with custom commands David Gold Latex 10/05/2021
Teaching Tools for Complex Adaptive Systems Rohini Gupta Visualization, Uncategorized, Software 09/20/2021
A non-intimidating introduction to parallel computing with Numba Lillian Lau Exercises, Tutorial, Multithreading, Diagnostics, Parallel-computing, Python, High-performance-computing, Hpc, Numba 09/13/2021
Simple profiling checks for running jobs on clusters Antonia Hadjimichael Cluster, Profiling, Slurm, High-performance-computing, Tips, Tips-and-tricks 09/08/2021
Basics of data visualization with ggplot2 Ananya Gangadhar Tutorial, R, Visualization, Programming, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 08/30/2021
Custom Plotting Symbols in R Calvin Whealton Visualization, R, Customized-visualization 08/23/2021
Introduction to PyBorg - basic setup and running Antonia Hadjimichael Borg, Pyborg, Project-platypus, Tutorials, Software, Python, Moea-optimization, Many-objective-concepts 08/13/2021
MORDM Basics VI: Processing the output and reevaluating for robustness Lillian Lau Parallel-coordinates, Pandas, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Python, Many-objective-concepts, Matplotlib 10/13/2021
MORDM Basics V: WaterPaths Tutorial Lillian Lau Borg, C, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Borg-moea, Github, Master, Mordm, Git 08/02/2021
Measuring the parallel performance of the Borg MOEA David Gold Borg, Parallel-computing, High-performance-computing 07/26/2021
Fitting and Simulating from NHMMs in R Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Tutorial, R, Nhmm 07/15/2021
How to schedule massively parallel jobs on clusters - some basic ways Antonia Hadjimichael Gnu, Slurm, Parallel-computing, Hpc, High-performance-computing 06/30/2021
The ABCs of MOEAs Lillian Lau Borg, Moea, Glossary, Bibliography-management, Many-objective-concepts 06/22/2021
CNNs for Time Series Applications Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Time-series, Time-series-forecasting, Tutorials 06/14/2021
Scaling experiments: how to measure the performance of parallel code on HPC systems David Gold Weak-scaling, Strong-scaling, Amdahls-law, Scaling, Parallel-computing, Hpc, High-performance-computing 06/07/2021
MORDM Basics IV: Visualizing ROF-Storage Dynamics (finally) Lillian Lau Rof, Uncategorized, Hydrologic-models, Research-triangle, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Risk-of-failure, Ssi6, Mordm 06/01/2021
NetCDF Operators Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Linux, Netcdf, Bash, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Overview 05/17/2021
Visualizing large directed networks with ggraph in R Ananya Gangadhar R, Networks, Visualization, Network-analysis, Programming, Data-visualization 05/11/2021
MORDM Basics III: ROF Triggers and Performance Objective Tradeoffs Lillian Lau Rof, Drought-mitigation, Rof-triggers, Trade-offs, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Mordm 04/27/2021
Do The (Schaake) Shuffle Rohini Gupta Statistics, Time-series-forecasting, Uncategorized, Introduction 04/12/2021
Potential Biases and Pitfalls of Machine Learning keyvan Malek Statistics, Uncategorized, Machine-learning 03/31/2021
MORDM Basics II: Risk of Failure Triggers and Table Generation Lillian Lau Risk-analysis, Rof, Uncategorized, Rof-triggers, Risk-options-analysis, Adaptation, Water-supply-planning, Research-triangle, Risk-of-failure, Deep-uncertainty, Mordm, Water-portfolio-planning 03/22/2021
Automate remote tasks with Paramiko Antonia Hadjimichael Workflow, Ssh, File-transfer, Python, High-performance-computing, Sftp, Tips-and-tricks, File-management 03/17/2021
Introduction to Convergent Cross Mapping Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Convergent-cross-mapping, Causality, Code-examples, Introduction, Statistics 03/12/2021
Writing sharable Python code part II: Unit Testing David Gold Programming, Code-examples, Unit-testing, Specifications, Python 03/08/2021
MORDM Basics I: Synthetic Streamflow Generation Lillian Lau Matlab, Drought-mitigation, Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Time-series, Synthetic-timeseries, Hydrologic-models, Internal-variability, Climate-change, Research-triangle, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Stochastic-hydrology, Stochastic-streamflow-generation, Deep-uncertainty, Mordm 02/15/2021
How do we deal with extreme events and imbalanced datasets in machine learning? keyvan Malek Uncategorized 02/08/2021
Introduction to Granger Causality Rohini Gupta Statistics, Uncategorized 02/01/2021
Writing sharable Python code David Gold Documentation, Programming, Code-examples, Python, Docstring, Function-specification 01/26/2021
Basic network analysis on a directed network using NetworkX Antonia Hadjimichael Networks, Networkx, Uncategorized, Visual-analytics 01/19/2021
ggplot (Part 4) – Animated Geospatial Maps tinakarimi Visualization, Uncategorized, R 01/11/2021
Taylor Diagram keyvan Malek Model-performance, Visualization, Uncategorized 12/22/2020
Networks on maps: exploring spatial connections using NetworkX and Basemap Antonia Hadjimichael Pyplot, Networks, Maps, Networkx, Basemap, Programming, Pandas, Python, Tutorials, Geospatial-modeling, Matplotlib 12/15/2020
Making the Most of Predictor Data for Machine Learning Applications Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning 12/07/2020
A video training on Rhodium David Gold Rhodium, Project-platypus, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Tutorials 11/30/2020
Parallel axis plots for the absolute beginner Lillian Lau Parallel-coordinates, Parallel-axis-plots, Parallel-coordinate-plots, Visualization, Numpy, Reed-research-group, Parallel-axis, Reed-group, Python, Beginner, Multiobjective-optimization, Matplotlib 11/09/2020
ggplot (Part 3) - Animating Sensitivity Analysis Indices tinakarimi Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis 11/02/2020
Apply Functions in R and Python keyvan Malek Uncategorized, Python 10/26/2020
PyCharm and Git for productive multi-project workflows Antonia Hadjimichael Workflows, Pycharm, Version-control, Workflow, Programming, Getting-started, Software, Python, Git-and-github, Anaconda, Ides, Conda, Python-environments 10/19/2020
Introduction to Google Cloud Platform Rohini Gupta Cloud-computing, Uncategorized, Tutorial 10/12/2020
Automate unit testing with Github Actions for research codes Andrew Dircks Uncategorized 10/05/2020
More on subplots with Matplotlib David Gold Visualization, Programming, Python, Subplots, Matplotlib 09/28/2020
Spatial statistics (Part 3): Geographically Weighted (GW) models tinakarimi Uncategorized, R, Visualization, Statistics, Geospatial-modeling 09/21/2020
Introducing the R Package "biascorrection" keyvan Malek Uncategorized, Modeling, Biascorrection, Hydrology, R-package 09/15/2020
How to automate scripts on a cluster Antonia Hadjimichael Cron, Data-backup, Job-submission, Programming, Unix, Getting-started, High-performance-computing, Bash, Parallel-computing, Job-scheduling, Data-management, Tutorials, Automation 09/08/2020
Introduction to Wavelets Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, R, Statistics, Tutorials, Overview 08/31/2020
Everything you want to know about subplots in Python's Matplotlib David Gold Pyplot, Tight_layout, Layout, Visualization, Programming, Gridspec, Python, Subplots, Matplotlib 08/27/2020
Spatial statistics (Part 2): Spatial Regression Models tinakarimi Statistics, R, Geospatial-modeling 08/18/2020
Using Rhodium for exploratory modeling Andrew Dircks Rhodium, Visualization, Project-platypus, Exploratory-modeling, Python 08/10/2020
How to make horizon plots in Python Antonia Hadjimichael Data, Time-series, Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Visual-analytics, Python 08/04/2020
Visualizing High Dimensional Data Using the T-SNE Method keyvan Malek Visualization, Uncategorized, Machine-learning 07/27/2020
Using the Python Borg Wrapper - Lake Problem Example Andrew Dircks Borg, Python-wrapper, Borg-moea, Programming, Mpi, Python 07/21/2020
Deeper Dive into Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs) Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, R, Visualization, Statistics, Overview 07/20/2020
Lower dimensional visualizations of many-objective Pareto Fronts David Gold Moea, Mds, Som, Visualization, Manifold, Sammon-mapping, Visual-analytics, Mova, Python, Many-objective-visual-analytics, Many-objective-concepts, Isomap 07/14/2020
Spatial statistics (Part 1): Spatial Autocorrelation tinakarimi Statistics, Visualization, R, Geospatial-modeling 07/07/2020
Causal Inference Using Information-Theoretic Approaches keyvan Malek Uncategorized 06/29/2020
Getting started with API requests in Python Antonia Hadjimichael Webscraping, Machine-learning, Data, Api, Get, File-transfer, Getting-started, Python, Json, Data-management, Tutorials 06/23/2020
The New and Improved Borg R Wrapper Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Tutorials, R, Overview 06/19/2020
Visualizing the diversity of a Pareto front approximation using RadVis David Gold Uncategorized, Runtime-diagnostics, Diagnostics, Visualization, Python, Moea-performance, Many-objective-concepts 06/16/2020
Displaying Interactions with chordDiagram in R tinakarimi Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, R 06/01/2020
A template for reproducible papers Antonia Hadjimichael Research-tips, Programming, Github, Getting-started, Software, Reproducibility, Web-publishing, Tutorials 05/26/2020
Information Theory and Moment-Independent Sensitivity Indices keyvan Malek Sensitivity-analysis 05/18/2020
Interactive Lake Problem Visualizations Using Altair Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Visualization, Python, Pandas, Tutorials 05/11/2020
Beyond Hypervolume: Dynamic visualization of MOEA runtime David Gold Borg, Parallel-coordinates, Moea, Runtime-diagnostics, Random-seed-analysis, Diagnostics, Visualization, Python, Many-objective-concepts 05/06/2020
Parallel File Compressing in Linux tinakarimi Data-management, File-transfer, Bash 04/27/2020
Publication-Quality Illustrations in R keyvan Malek Visualization, R 03/30/2020
Remote terminal environment using VS Code for Windows and Mac Andrew Dircks Uncategorized, Vs-code, Virtual-machine, Ssh, Unix, Thecube, File-transfer, Bash, Sftp, Ides, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, File-management 03/31/2020
Determining the appropriate number of samples for a sensitivity analysis Antonia Hadjimichael Diagnostics, Sensitivity-analysis, Salib, Factor-prioritization, Sobol, Python 03/23/2020
Parallel processing with R on Windows tinakarimi Uncategorized, Programming, Parallel-computing, R 03/16/2020
Using Docker with Virtual Machines Rohini Gupta Cloud-computing, Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Tutorials 03/09/2020
Make your Git repository interactive with Binder David Gold Rhodium, R, Binder, Julia, Jupyter-notebook, Python 03/03/2020
Sensitivity Analysis Tools keyvan Malek Sensitivity-analysis, Uncategorized 02/25/2020
Factor prioritization and factor fixing: how to know what's important Antonia Hadjimichael Factor-fixing, Analytics, Diagnostics, Sensitivity-analysis, Salib, Factor-prioritization, Sobol, Python, Code-sample, Delta-method 02/17/2020
Accessing a Virtual Machine in Red Cloud Rohini Gupta Cloud-computing, Uncategorized, Tutorials, Overview 02/10/2020
More on simple Bash Shell scripts (examples of “find” and “sed”) tinakarimi Uncategorized, Linux, Programming, Code-examples, Shell-scripts, Getting-started, Bash 01/29/2020
EnGauge: R Code Repository for Environmental Gauge Data Acquisition, Processing, and Visualization Jared D. Smith Visualization, Data-management, Software, R 02/03/2020
Performing Experiments on HPC Systems David Gold Programming, Cluster, Hpc, High-performance-computing, Parallel-computing, Data-management 01/27/2020
So What’s the Rationale Behind the Water Programming Blog? Antonia Hadjimichael Wicked-problems, Evolutionary-algorithms, Many-objective-concepts, Literature, Resources, Getting-started, Hypothesis-testing, Deep-uncertainty, Complex-systems, Artificial-intelligence, Control, Overview 01/23/2020
R Shiny, Part 2 keyvan Malek Uncategorized 12/16/2019
R Shiny - Part 1 keyvan Malek Visualization, Uncategorized, Programming, R 11/19/2019
ggplot (Part 2) tinakarimi Visualization, Uncategorized, R 11/11/2019
Hydro Packages in R: HydroGOF keyvan Malek Hydrology, Visualization, Uncategorized, R 10/28/2019
Beginner’s Guide to TensorFlow and Keras Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Tutorials 10/21/2019
Dynamic Emulation in Water Resources Applications Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning 09/26/2019
ggplot (Part 1) tinakarimi Visualization, R 09/09/2019
A Python Implementation of grouped Radial Convergence Plots to visualize Sobol Sensitivity Analysis results David Gold Rhodium, Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Salib, Python 08/27/2019
MOEAFramework Training Part 4: Processing Metrics and Creating Visualizations Rohini Gupta Moeaframework, Uncategorized, Tutorials, Diagnostics 08/20/2019
More Terminal Schooling Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized, Make, Cygwin, Programming, Unix, High-performance-computing, Bash, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, File-management 04/13/2020
Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model- Part 2 keyvan Malek Modeling, Hydrology, Hydrologic-models 08/12/2019
Profiling your Python script using cProfile Antonia Hadjimichael Programming, Code-examples, Profiling, Learning-programming, Python, Methods, Tutorials 08/05/2019
MORDM using Rhodium - the lake problem workflow Antonia Hadjimichael Uncategorized 09/18/2019
On Parallelization of the Borg MOEA David Gold Borg, Multi-master-borg, Master-worker-borg, Borg-moea, Parallel-programming, Mpi, Parallel-computing, High-performance-computing 07/29/2019
Introduction to Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model keyvan Malek Uncategorized 07/15/2019
Packages for Hydrological Data Retrieval and Statistical Analysis Jared D. Smith Statistics, R, Python 07/08/2019
MOEAFramework Training Part 3: Calculating Metrics Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Tutorials, Moeaframework 07/01/2019
Examining Robustness Metrics using Rhodium David Gold Rhodium, Project-platypus, Programming, Robustness, Lake-problem, Software, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Mordm 06/27/2019
Spatial and temporal visualization of water demands in a basin Antonia Hadjimichael Analytics, Water-use, Maps, Visualization, Visual-analytics, Animation, Python, Cartopy, Matplotlib 06/11/2019
Parasol Resources William Raseman Parallel-coordinates, Visualization, Parasol, Web-development 06/04/2019
MOEAFramework Training Part 2: Optimization of an External Problem Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Tutorials, Diagnostics 05/29/2019
R-Markdown keyvan Malek Uncategorized, R, Markup-language, Rmarkdown, Latex 05/13/2019
Parasol: an open source, interactive parallel coordinates library for multi-objective decision making William Raseman Parallel-coordinates, Visualization, Parasol, Software, Web-development 05/13/2019
Radial convergence diagram (aka chord diagram) for sensitivity analysis results and other inter-relationships between data Antonia Hadjimichael Rhodium, Uncategorized, Figure-preparation, Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Project-platypus, Scientific-figures, Salib, Open-source, Sobol, Python, Figure-editing 05/06/2019
Parallelization of C/C++ and Python on Clusters Bernardo Trindade C, Uncategorized, Programming, Code-examples, Slurm, Python, High-performance-computing, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 04/24/2019
Performing random seed analysis and runtime diagnostics with the serial Borg Matlab wrapper David Gold Borg, Matlab, Uncategorized, Diagnostics, Programming, Tutorials, Getting-started, Bash, Many-objective-concepts 04/17/2019
MOEAFramework Training Part 1: Connecting an External Problem Rohini Gupta C, Uncategorized, Diagnostics, Moeaframework, Java, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 04/15/2019
Geospatial Mapping in R keyvan Malek R, Maps, Visualization, Programming, Gdal, Geographical-information, Tutorials, Geospatial-modeling 04/05/2019
From MATLAB to Julia: Insights from Translating an Opensource Kirsch-Nowak Streamflow Generator to Julia Peter Storm Matlab, Uncategorized, Time-series, Programming, Julia, Git-and-github 03/27/2019
Interactive visualizations of high-dimensional data using J3 Antonia Hadjimichael Visualization, Project-platypus, Tools, Tutorials, Software, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Many-objective-concepts 03/18/2019
Intro to Boosting Bernardo Trindade Statistics, Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Python 03/13/2019
Intro to Machine Learning Part 6: Gaussian Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression David Gold Sk-learn, Machine-learning, Code-examples, Statistics, Scikit-learn, Python, Matplotlib 03/05/2019
Magnitude-varying sensitivity analysis and visualization (Part 2) Antonia Hadjimichael Time-series, Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Code-examples, Sobol, Python, Code-sample, Matplotlib 02/28/2019
Magnitude-varying sensitivity analysis and visualization (Part 1) Antonia Hadjimichael Uncategorized, Time-series, Plotting, Visualization, Code-examples, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Code-example 02/26/2019
Introducing Julia: A Fast and Modern Language Peter Storm Programming, Jupyter-notebook, Julia, Ides, Jupyter-lab 02/19/2019
Introduction to Unit Testing Bernardo Trindade Exercises, Uncategorized, Programming, Getting-started, Python, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Overview 02/12/2019
Intro to Machine Learning Part 5: Bagging Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Overview 02/04/2019
Intro to machine learning part 4: Support Vector Machines David Gold Machine-learning, Classification, Getting-started, Scenario-discovery, Svm 01/29/2019
Intro to Machine Learning Part 3: Bias-Variance Tradeoff Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Machine-learning 12/18/2018
Discriminant analysis for classification Antonia Hadjimichael Machine-learning, Mahalanobis, Classification, Multivariate-statistics, Discriminant-analysis, Statistics, Data-mining 12/03/2018
Introduction to Borg Operators Part 1: Simplex Crossover (SPX) Sara Alkayali Alalam Borg, Uncategorized, Code-examples, Python, Operator, Simplex-crossover 11/26/2018
Interacting with Plotted Functions Using Jupyter Notebooks ipywidgets with matplotlib Peter Storm Uncategorized, Visualization, Python, Figure-editing, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Matplotlib 11/19/2018
Introduction to DiscoveryDV Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Visualization, Discoverydv, Tutorials, Overview 11/05/2018
Google Earth Pro: the cool, the trade-offs and the limits charlesrouge Maps, Visualization, Geographical-information, Open-source, Google-earth, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 10/29/2018
A Beginner's Guide to Visualizing Trade Offs across Multiple Objectives using the Python Bokeh Library Sara Alkayali Alalam Uncategorized, Trade-offs, Visualization, Code-examples, Bokeh, Pandas, Python, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 10/22/2018
Introduction to Gaussian Processes Bernardo Trindade Statistics, Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Bayesian-modeling 10/17/2018
Time series forecasting in Python for beginners Antonia Hadjimichael Exercises, Uncategorized, Time-series, Optimization, Time-series-forecasting, Getting-started, Python, Tutorials 10/09/2018
From Frequentist to Bayesian Ordinary Linear Regression Bernardo Trindade Statistics, Machine-learning, Bayesian-modeling 10/04/2018
Intro to Machine Learning Part 2: Binary Classification With Perceptron David Gold Neural-networks, Uncategorized, Machine-learning, Perceptron 09/28/2018
Intro to Machine Learning: Classification using K-NN David Gold Machine-learning, Getting-started, K-nearest-neighbor, Curse-of-dimensionality, Overview 09/18/2018
Google Dataset Search (beta): Revolutionize your Data Searches and Database Exposure Peter Storm Uncategorized 09/07/2018
Implementation of the Moving Average Filter Using Convolution Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, Tutorials, Python, Overview 09/04/2018
Converting Latex to MS Word docx (almost perfectly) Bernardo Trindade Programming, Literature, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, File-management 08/26/2018
Recommended Software for the Kasprzyk Group William Raseman Introduction, Software, Overview 08/15/2018
Establishing an Effective Data Backup Strategy for Your Workstation Peter Storm Uncategorized, Data-backup, File-transfer, Git-and-github, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, File-management 09/07/2018
Tips for Creating Animated Graphics (GIFs) Peter Storm R, Illustrator, Visualization, Figure-editing, Tips-and-tricks, Overview 07/31/2018
Multivariate Distances: Mahalanobis vs. Euclidean William Raseman Distance-metrics, Mahalanobis, R, Euclidean, K-nearest-neighbor 07/24/2018
Update on setting up the Borg Matlab Wrapper on Windows and tips for its use Felipe Cordera Getting-started, Tips-and-tricks, Matlab 07/19/2018
Guide to Your First Year in the Reed Research Group Rohini Gupta Training, Getting-started, Tips-and-tricks, Overview 07/13/2018
Fitting Hidden Markov Models Part II: Sample Python Script Julie Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Time-series, Programming, Synthetic-weather-generation, Python, Matplotlib 07/03/2018
Fitting Hidden Markov Models Part I: Background and Methods Julie Synthetic-weather-generation, Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Time-series 07/03/2018
Setting Up and Customizing Python Environments using Conda Peter Storm Environment-variables, Programming, Getting-started, Python, Tips-and-tricks, Conda, Python-environments 06/29/2018
Installing EPA SWMM on a Mac using WineBottler JR Kasprzyk Wine, Software, Windows, Swmm, Tips-and-tricks, Mac, Winebottler 06/18/2018
Evaluating and visualizing sampling quality charlesrouge Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Tutorials, Python 06/11/2018
Creating shaded dial plots in python David Gold Dial-plot, Visualization, Gauge-plot, Speedometer, Tips-and-tricks, Matplotlib 06/04/2018
Creating Dendrograms in R Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, R, Visualization, Hierarchical, Statistics, Clustering, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 05/28/2018
Creating parallel axis plots with multiple datasets, color gradients, and brushing in Python Bernardo Trindade Python, Visualization, Code-examples, Matplotlib 05/18/2018
Logistic Regression for Scenario Discovery Julie Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Python, Matplotlib 05/04/2018
Using HDF5/zlib compression in NetCDF4, part 2: testing the compression settings charlesrouge Data-backup, Netcdf, Data-compression, Testing, Profiling, Hdf5, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, File-management 04/24/2018
Launching Jupyter Notebook Using an Icon/Shortcut in the Current Working Directory Folder Peter Storm Cmd, Windows-icon, Jupyter-notebook, Python, Jupyter-lab, Windows, Command-prompt, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Windows-shortcut, Lnk 04/19/2018
A Deeper Dive into Principal Component Analysis Rohini Gupta R, Principal-component-analysis, Multivariate-statistics, Getting-started, Statistical-analysis, Tips-and-tricks, Multicollinearity, Overview 04/10/2018
Simple Bash shell scripts that have made my life easier David Gold Linux, Programming, Code-examples, Unix, Shell-scripts, Getting-started, Bash, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 04/06/2018
Policy Diagnostics with Time-Varying and State Space PDFs Julie Visualization, Python, Matplotlib 03/28/2018
Making Valgrind Easy Bernardo Trindade C, Uncategorized, Cygwin, Memory-debugging, Programming, High-performance-computing, Tutorials 03/25/2018
What is resilience in water resources systems? charlesrouge Uncategorized 03/17/2018
A completely non-exhaustive list of tutorial resources for scientific computing Antonia Hadjimichael Exercises, C, Matlab, Uncategorized, Code-examples, Getting-started, Python, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 03/13/2018
Types of Errors in Numerical Methods Rohini Gupta Exercises, Numerical, Methods, High-performance-computing, Error, Computing 02/21/2018
Plotting trajectories and direction fields for a system of ODEs in Python Antonia Hadjimichael Scipy, Visualization, Plot, Python, Lotka-volterra, Predator-prey, Equilibrium, Matplotlib, Tips 02/12/2018
Transitioning from R to Python with Spyder Rohini Gupta Tutorials, Python, Overview 01/22/2018
Job scheduling on HPC resources David Gold Uncategorized, Job-submission, Unix, Resources, Pbs, Slurm, High-performance-computing, Hpc, Parallel-computing, Job-scheduling, Tips 06/25/2018
Jupyter Notebook: A "Hello World" Overview Peter Storm Tutorials, Python, Jupyter-notebook 01/13/2018
Preparing Data for a Time Series Analysis Rohini Gupta Uncategorized, R, Time-series 12/18/2017
Directed search with the Exploratory Modeling workbench jhkwakkel Emaworkbench, Code-examples, Pandas, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Tutorials 12/11/2017
Installing a Native Ubuntu Terminal on Windows 10 Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized 01/29/2018
Nondimensionalization of differential equations - an example using the Lotka-Volterra system of equations Antonia Hadjimichael Uncategorized, Mathematical-biology, Modeling, Lotka-volterra, Predator-prey 12/04/2017
Open exploration with the Exploratory Modelling Workbench jhkwakkel Emaworkbench, Sensitivity-analysis, Code-examples, Sobol, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making 11/19/2017
Animations (2/2) charlesrouge Visualization, Python 11/15/2017
Animations (1/2) charlesrouge Visualization, Tutorials, Visit 11/15/2017
An Introduction to Copulas David Gold Uncategorized 11/11/2017
Using the Exploratory Modelling Workbench jhkwakkel Emaworkbench, Code-examples, Software, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Tutorials 11/01/2017
Simple tricks to make your C/C++ code run faster Bernardo Trindade C, Uncategorized, Code-examples, Python, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 10/29/2017
Generating Interactive Visuals in R Rohini Gupta Visualization, Tutorials, R 10/09/2017
Python example: Hardy Cross method for pipe networks JR Kasprzyk Exercises, Programming, Engineering, Hydraulics, Hardy-cross, Getting-started, Python, Code-example, Tutorials 10/02/2017
Time Series Modeling: ARIMA Notation William Raseman Time-series, Notation, Moving-average, Autoregressive, Arma 09/29/2017
Introduction to Docker charlesrouge Software-porting, Virtual-machine, Getting-started, Docker, Bash 09/26/2017
Exploring the stability of systems of ordinary differential equations – an example using the Lotka-Volterra system of equations Antonia Hadjimichael Predator-prey, Uncategorized, Equilibrium, Overview 09/22/2017
Let your Makefile make your life easier David Gold C, Uncategorized, Make, Programming, Code-examples, Pbs, Overview 09/20/2017
Web Scraping: Constructing URLs, Downloading and Unpacking Zipped Files in Python and R Peter Storm Webscraping, R, Python 10/17/2017
Get your research workflow on Jazmin Zatarain Tips-and-tricks, Bibliography-management 09/12/2017
Open Source Streamflow Generator Part II: Validation Julie Python, Matlab, Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Git-and-github 08/29/2017
Open Source Streamflow Generator Part I: Synthetic Generation Julie Python, Matlab, Synthetic-streamflow-generation, Git-and-github 08/29/2017
Reading CSV files in C++ Bernardo Trindade C, Tips-and-tricks, Programming 08/20/2017
Glossary of commonly used terms Antonia Hadjimichael Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts, Literature 08/11/2017
Enhance your (Windows) remote terminal experience with MobaXterm David Gold Uncategorized, Ssh, Unix, Scp, Thecube, Bash, Mobaxterm, Sftp, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks 08/04/2017
Developing parallelised code with MPI for dummies, in C (Part 2/2) barneycodefest Programming, Code-examples, Pbs, Parallel-programming, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 07/28/2017
Debugging: Interactive techniques and print statements William Raseman Uncategorized, Programming, Debugging, Print-statements 07/26/2017
Developing parallelised code with MPI for dummies, in C (Part 1/2) barneycodefest Programming, Code-examples, Pbs, Parallel-programming, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 07/21/2017
Dynamic memory allocation in C++ Jazmin Zatarain C, Memory-debugging 07/10/2017
Reed Group's basic C++ code style conventions Bernardo Trindade C, Tips-and-tricks, Programming, Code-examples 06/27/2017
Water Programming Blog Guide (Part 2) Jazmin Zatarain Many-objective-concepts, Overview, Water-programming-blog-guide 06/20/2017
Profiling C++ code with Callgrind Bernardo Trindade C, Uncategorized, Programming, Profiling, Software, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 06/09/2017
Introduction To Econometrics: Part II- Violations of OLS Assumptions & Methods for Fixing them David Gold Overview, Econometrics 05/30/2017
An Introduction To Econometrics: Part 1- Ordinary Least Squares Regression David Gold Econometrics, Literature, Getting-started, Regression, Least-squares, Overview 05/13/2017
Map making in Matlab Jon Lamontagne Matlab, Uncategorized, Maps, Visualization, Code-examples, Plot, Figure-editing, Shapefile, Tips, Gis 04/30/2017
Water Programming Blog Guide (3) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 08/23/2017
Water Programming Blog Guide (Part I) Jazmin Zatarain Getting-started, Water-programming-blog-guide 04/19/2017
Using Borg in Parallel and Serial with a Python Wrapper - Part 2 Tom Wild Borg, Uncategorized, Many-objective-concepts, Python 04/10/2017
Making Watershed Maps in Python Julie Gis, Python, Matplotlib 04/03/2017
9 basic skills for editing and creating vector graphics in Illustrator Jazmin Zatarain Illustrator, Adobe-illustrator, Getting-started, Figure-editing, Tips 04/01/2017
A visual introduction to data compression through Principle Component Analysis David Gold Matlab, Data, Visualization, Data-compression, Getting-started, Statistical-analysis, Tips-and-tricks, Principle-component-analysis, Overview 03/21/2017
Solving non-linear problems using linear programming Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized, Linear-programming, Optimization, Non-linear-programming, Simulation, Getting-started, Tips-and-tricks 03/13/2017
Using Borg in Parallel and Serial with a Python Wrapper - Part 1 Tom Wild Borg, Uncategorized, Programming, Borg-moea, Simulation, Python, Moea-optimization, Many-objective-concepts 03/06/2017
A simple allocation optimization problem in Platypus Jazmin Zatarain Tutorials 03/04/2017
Dealing With Multicollinearity: A Brief Overview and Introduction to Tolerant Methods David Gold Collinearity, Estimators, Ridge-regression, Multivariate-statistics, Modeling, Statistics, Hypothesis-testing, Regression, Multicollinearity, Tutorials, Overview, Lasso-regression 02/23/2017
Calculating Risk-of-Failures as in the Research Triangle papers (2014-2016) - Part 1 Bernardo Trindade Drought-mitigation, Uncategorized, Literature, Getting-started, Overview 02/14/2017
Synthetic streamflow generation Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized, Literature, Statistics, Stochastic-streamflow-generation, Stochastic-hydrology, Hydrology, Statistical-analysis, Overview 02/07/2017
Using Rhodium for RDM Analysis of External Dataset Julie Multiobjective, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making 01/30/2017
Alluvial Plots Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized, R, Visualization, Code-examples, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Tutorials 01/21/2017
Plotting geographic data from geojson files using Python Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized, Visualization, Basemap, Programming, Geojson, Software, Python, Figure-editing, Matplotlib 12/19/2016
Saving d3.parcoords to SVG jhkwakkel Figure-editing, Visualization, Code-examples, Many-objective-robust-decision-making 12/13/2016
Rhodium – Open Source Python Library for (MO)RDM Julie Multiobjective, Software, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making 12/02/2016
Plotting Probability Ellipses for Bivariate Normal Distributions David Gold Visualization, Matlab, Uncategorized, Programming 11/08/2016
Customizing color matrices in matplotlib Jazmin Zatarain Visualization, Tips-and-tricks 10/22/2016
A Guide to Using Git in PyCharm - Part 2 Tom Wild Uncategorized 10/14/2016
Basic Machine Learning in Python with Scikit-learn Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized, Programming, Literature, Getting-started, Software, Python, Data-management 10/08/2016
A simple command for plotting autocorrelation functions in Matlab David Gold Matlab, Uncategorized, Visualization, Programming, Tips-and-tricks 09/27/2016
Fitting Multivariate Normal Distributions Julie Python, Matplotlib 09/16/2016
Easy vectorized parallel plots for multiple data sets Jazmin Zatarain Python, Visualization, Pandas, Matplotlib 09/12/2016
A Guide to Using Git in PyCharm - Part 1 Tom Wild Uncategorized 09/02/2016
PBS job chaining Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized 08/28/2016
Root finding in MATLAB, R, Python and C++ Julie C, Matlab, R, Programming, Python 08/18/2016
A quick example code to write data to a csv file in C++ David Gold Uncategorized 08/12/2016
Basic implementation of the parallel Borg MOEA Jazmin Zatarain Borg, Tutorials 08/07/2016
Synthetic Weather Generation: Part V Julie Stochastic-weather-generation, Literature 07/25/2016
Getting started with C and C++ David Gold C, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Eclipse, Programming 07/14/2016
Importing, Exporting and Organizing Time Series Data in Python – Part 2 Tom Wild Uncategorized 07/08/2016
Compiling Code using Makefiles William Raseman C, Programming, Code-examples, Makefiles, Compilation 06/28/2016
Use python `cf ` and `esgf-python-client` package to interact with ESGF data portal Yu Li Netcdf, Python, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 06/20/2016
Using HDF5/zlib Compression in NetCDF4 gggarner121 C, Tutorial, Data-backup, Netcdf, Code-examples, Data-compression, Programming, Hdf5, Tips, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, File-management 06/15/2016
The Linked Parallel Coordinate Plot with Linked Heatmap: A tool for simultaneous visualization of the objective and decision spaces David Gold Uncategorized 06/10/2016
New web-based multi-objective data interactive visualization tools Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized 05/25/2016
Python's template class Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized, Sensitivity-analysis, Sobol, Python, Tips-and-tricks 06/03/2016
Extracting Data from Borg Runtime Files tjclarkin Uncategorized 05/16/2016
Interactive plotting basics in matplotlib Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 04/29/2016
Visualizing multidimensional data: a brief historical overview David Gold Visualization, Getting-started, Literature, Overview 04/22/2016
Synthetic Weather Generation: Part IV Julie Stochastic-weather-generation, Literature 04/13/2016
Debugging in Python (using PyCharm) – Part 3 Tom Wild Programming, Python 04/08/2016
Speeding up algorithm diagnosis by epsilon-sorting runtime files Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized 03/29/2016
From Writing NetCDF Files in C to Loading NetCDF Files in R gggarner121 C, Tutorial, R, Linux, Netcdf, Code-examples, Programming, Getting-started, Code-example, Data-management, Tutorials 03/21/2016
Visualization strategies for multidimensional data Jazmin Zatarain Tips-and-tricks, Many-objective-concepts, R, Matplotlib 03/15/2016
A beginner’s guide to narrating the multiobjective tradeoff story David Gold Visualization, Getting-started 03/09/2016
Making Movies of Time-Evolving Global Maps with Python Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized, Cygwin, Visualization, Basemap, Code-examples, Programming, Unix, Animation, Python, Matplotlib 03/01/2016
SALib v0.7.1: Group Sampling & Nonuniform Distributions Calvin Whealton Python, Sensitivity-analysis, Sobol, Code-examples 02/25/2016
Importing, Exporting and Organizing Time Series Data in Python - Part 1 Tom Wild Uncategorized, Code-examples, Pandas, Python, Microsoft-excel 02/22/2016
Synthetic Weather Generation: Part III Julie Synthetic-weather-generation, Literature 02/15/2016
Collecting Borg's operator dynamics Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 02/05/2016
Survival Function Plots in R gggarner121 R, Visualization, Plot, Figure-editing, Code-example, Survival-function 02/01/2016
Setup for LaTeX and Sublime Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized, Latex 01/19/2016
Easy labels for multi-panel plots in R gggarner121 Uncategorized, R, Visualization, Label, Plot, Figure-editing 12/02/2015
Debugging in Python (using PyCharm) - Part 2 Tom Wild Python, Uncategorized, Debugging 11/09/2015
Debug in Real-time on SLURM William Raseman Cluster-computing, Debugging, Bash 10/18/2015
Cyberduck setup to ssh files for Mac users Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 10/07/2015
Using a virtual machine to run 32-bit software on a modern PC JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized, Virtual-machine, Compatibility-settings, Software, Epa-wtp-model, Windows, Virtualbox 10/03/2015
Introducing OpenMORDM dhadka Uncategorized, R, Open-source, Mordm, Openmordm 10/01/2015
Simple Python script to create a command to call the Borg executable JR Kasprzyk Borg, Moea, Borg-moea, Code-examples, Moeaframework, Python, Data-management, Code-example 09/18/2015
Debugging in Python (using PyCharm) - Part 1 Tom Wild Python, Uncategorized, Debugging 09/10/2015
MOEA diagnostics for a simple test case (Part 3/3) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 09/04/2015
MOEA diagnostics for a simple test case (Part 2/3) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 08/26/2015
MOEA diagnostics for a simple test case (Part 1/3) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 08/25/2015
Speed up your Python code with basic parallelization Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized 08/26/2015
Synthetic Weather Generation: Part II Julie Stochastic-weather-generation, Literature 08/20/2015
Synthetic Weather Generation: Part I Julie Stochastic-weather-generation, Literature 08/06/2015
Scenario discovery in Python jhkwakkel Emaworkbench, Python, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Pandas, Matplotlib 08/05/2015
PyCharm as a Python IDE for Generating UML Diagrams Tom Wild Python 07/29/2015
Embedding figure text into a Latex document Bernardo Trindade Inkscape, Figure-preparation, Scientific-figures, Pdf, Figure-editing, Latex, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 07/28/2015
Parameter Description Files for the MOEAFramework algorithms and for the Borg MOEA Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 07/24/2015
Useful Linux commands to handle text files and speed up work Bernardo Trindade Uncategorized, Terminal, Linux, Cygwin, Unix, Command-line, Getting-started, Text-files, Tips, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks 07/22/2015
Solving Analytical Algebra/Calculus Expressions with Matlab Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized 09/21/2015
New Federal Flood Frequency Analysis Guidelines Jon Lamontagne Risk-analysis, Uncategorized, Flood-risk, Literature, Statistics, Flood-frequency-analysis, Floods 07/13/2015
Random Seed Analysis for the Borg MOEA using DTLZ2, 3 objective instance Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 07/03/2015
On constraints within MOEAs JR Kasprzyk Borg, Constraints, Literature, Getting-started, Moea-optimization, Restricted-tournament-selection, Many-objective-concepts, Classical-mathematical-programming 06/30/2015
Porting GCAM onto a UNIX cluster Jon Lamontagne C, Unix, Integrated-assessment, Hpc, Code-porting, Gcam, Iam 08/03/2015
Basic Borg MOEA use for the truly newbies (Part 2/2) Jazmin Zatarain Borg, Borg-moea, Tutorials, Dtlz2 06/25/2015
Setting up Eclipse for C/C++ Bernardo Trindade C, Uncategorized, Tutorial, Eclipse, Programming, Software, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Installation 06/30/2015
Power Spectral Density Estimation in Matlab Jon Lamontagne Exercises, Matlab, Code-examples, Classes, Code-example 08/31/2015
Google Earth as a Visualization Tool for Water Resources Systems Planning (Part 2) Tom Wild Visualization 06/23/2015
Google Earth as a Visualization Tool for Water Resources Systems Planning (Part 1) Tom Wild Reservoirs, Dams, Visualization, Google-earth 06/11/2015
Using arcpy to calculate area-weighted averages of gridded spatial data over political units (Part 2) Julie Python, Arcgis 06/09/2015
Using arcpy to calculate area-weighted averages of gridded spatial data over political units (Part 1) Julie Python, Arcgis 06/09/2015
My first experience with GitHub for sharing data and code JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 05/29/2015
PBS Batch Serial Job Submission with Slot Limit Jon Herman Uncategorized 04/06/2015
Creating parallel axes plots Bernardo Trindade Parallel-axes, Visualization, Figure-editing, Plots, Gnuplot 03/24/2015
Basic Borg MOEA use for the truly newbies (Part 1/2) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 06/25/2015
Terminal basics for the truly newbies Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 03/17/2015
Setting Borg parameters from the Matlab wrapper Jon Herman Uncategorized 03/13/2015
latexdiff: "track changes" for LaTeX Jon Herman Uncategorized 03/13/2015
Compiling shared libraries on Windows (32 bit and 64 bit systems) Tori Ward Borg, Tips-and-tricks, Uncategorized 02/20/2015
Code Sample: Perl wrapper to run Borg with the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model LH Uncategorized 02/20/2015
Plotting Code added to Lake Problem Diagnostics Repository Tori Ward Visualization, Matlab, Figure-editing 01/19/2015
Algorithm Diagnostics Walkthrough using the Lake Problem as an example (Part 3 of 3: Metrics-based analysis of algorithm performance) Tori Ward Borg, Programming, Code-examples, Pbs, Moeaframework, Software, Git-and-github, Bash 01/19/2015
Algorithm Diagnostics Walkthrough using the Lake Problem as an example (Part 2 of 3: Calculate metrics for Analysis) Tori Ward Tori Ward Borg, Programming, Code-examples, Pbs, Moeaframework, Software, Git-and-github, Bash 01/19/2015
Overleaf: LaTeX Collaboration and Publication aawats Uncategorized 01/16/2015
Programming language R is gaining prominence in the scientific community JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 01/05/2015
Thanks for a great 2014! Our year in review JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 01/04/2015
Python - Extract raster data value at a point Jon Herman Data-management, Raster, Gdal, Python 10/07/2014
Python - Clip raster data with a shapefile Jon Herman Raster, Basemap, Gdal, Python, Shapefile, Data-management 10/03/2014
Interpolation and resampling across projections and spatial resolutions with GDAL benlivneh Uncategorized 09/30/2014
Getting Started: Git and GitHub aawats Getting-started, Git-and-github, Github, Git 09/29/2014
Introduction to mpi4py Jon Herman Uncategorized 09/25/2014
Scientific figures in Illustrator Jon Herman Illustrator, Scientific-figures, Adobe-illustrator, Vector-graphics, Figure-editing, Matlab-eps 09/18/2014
Using a local copy of Boost on your cluster account JR Kasprzyk C, Makefile, Boost 09/02/2014
Algorithm Diagnostics Walkthrough using the Lake Problem as an example (Part 1 of 3: Generate Pareto approximate fronts) Tori Ward Borg, Exercises, Code-examples, Moeaframework, Software, Git-and-github, Bash, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 01/19/2015
Determining Whether Differences in Diagnostic Results are Statistically Significant (Part 2) Tori Ward Uncategorized, Statistical-analysis 08/27/2014
Running jobs on the supercomputer: JANUS benlivneh Submitting-jobs, Cluster, Unix, Code-examples, Getting-started, Bash, Janus 09/05/2014
How to set up MinGW for the first time JR Kasprzyk Environment-variables, Compilers, Programming, Mingw, Makefiles, Getting-started, Windows, Installation 07/24/2014
PDFExtract: Get a list of BibTeX references from a scholarly PDF Jon Herman Software, Bibliography-management, Latex 07/24/2014
Determining Whether Differences in Diagnostic Results are Statistically Significant (Part 1) Tori Ward Exercises, Code-examples, Moeaframework, Statistical-analysis, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 08/27/2014
RSS Feeds for Water Resources Journals Jon Herman Uncategorized 07/14/2014
R plotting examples added to Matlab and Matplotlib plotting examples Tori Ward Matlab, R, Visualization, Code-examples, Getting-started, Git-and-github, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials, Matplotlib 07/24/2014
Parallel plots in R JR Kasprzyk Parallel-coordinate, R, Visualization, Programming, Parallel-axis, Many-objective-visual-analytics, Code-example 07/07/2014
Default parameters for MOEAFramework algorithms and Borg Tori Ward Borg, Tips-and-tricks, Moeaframework 07/10/2014
Basic NetCDF processing in Matlab JR Kasprzyk Matlab, Uncategorized, Data, Netcdf 06/25/2014
NumPy vectorized correlation coefficient Jon Herman Uncategorized 06/13/2014
Runtime metrics for MOEAFramework algorithms, extracting metadata from Borg runtime, and handling infinities Tori Ward Borg, Uncategorized, Code-examples, Moeaframework, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks 07/03/2014
Plotting a map of NetCDF data with Matplotlib/Basemap Jon Herman Data-management, Python, Matplotlib 04/30/2014
Reducing size of NetCDF spatial data with list representation Jon Herman Uncategorized 04/30/2014
Converting ASCII data to NetCDF (Python) Jon Herman Data-management, Python 04/28/2014
Compiling OpenSees on the Janus cluster JR Kasprzyk C, Structural-engineering, Unix, Code-examples, Simulation, Compilation, Getting-started, Makefile, Earthquake, Opensees 04/25/2014
Invoking a Matlab wrapper while running a Parallel C process JR Kasprzyk C, Matlab, Parallel, Environment-variables, Wrapper, Code-examples, Code-mixing, Getting-started 04/25/2014
Thoughts on using models with a long evaluation time within a Parallel MOEA framework JR Kasprzyk Parallel, Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts, Pseudocode 04/24/2014
Compiling MODFLOW2005 on the Janus computing cluster JR Kasprzyk Modflow, Unix, Code-examples, Compilation, Getting-started, Makefile 04/22/2014
Send all optimization algorithms the same model when comparing performance! Tori Ward Borg, Tips-and-tricks, Moeaframework 06/12/2014
Job dependency in PBS submission Jon Herman Uncategorized 04/02/2014
When coloring stacked solutions in Aerovis, make sure colorbar is first turned off. Tori Ward Uncategorized 04/19/2014
Runtime dynamics with serial Borg Tori Ward Borg, Getting-started, Tutorials, Exercises 03/18/2014
Compiling the Borg Matlab Wrapper (OSX/Linux) Jon Herman Borg, Matlab 02/18/2014
Extensions of SALib for more complex sensitivity analyses Jon Herman Sensitivity-analysis, Sobol 02/11/2014
Compiling, running, and linking a simulation model to Borg: LRGV Example JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized, Borg-moea, Simulation 01/24/2014
Compiling the Borg Matlab Wrapper (Windows) Jon Herman Borg, Matlab 01/21/2014
Data Visualization Resources matt Bibliography, Visualization, Resources 12/20/2013
Updated rainfall-runoff models Jon Herman Uncategorized 11/10/2013
Diffusion in a 2D Box Jon Herman Uncategorized 11/02/2013
Python makes the world go 'round Jon Herman Uncategorized 11/02/2013
Announcing version 1.0 of pareto.py matt Lgpl, Multiobjective, Nondomination, Many-objective-concepts, Pareto, Programming, Free-software, Open-source, Python, Git-and-github, Optimal, Epsilon, Nondominated-sort 10/29/2013
Globus Connect for Transferring Files Between Clusters and Your Computer JR Kasprzyk Ssh, Cluster, File-transfer, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, Globus-online 10/22/2013
Running tmux on the cluster matt Tmux, Running, Unix, Cluster, Without-root, Software, Building, Tips-and-tricks 10/21/2013
Method of Morris (Elementary Effects) using SALib Jon Herman Sensitivity-analysis, Sobol, Python, Software 09/23/2013
Git branch in bash prompt Jon Herman Uncategorized 09/18/2013
Announcing pareto.py: a free, open-source nondominated sorting utility matt Lgpl, Multiobjective, Nondomination, Many-objective-concepts, Programming, Free-software, Open-source, Python, Pareto, Epsilon, Nondominated-sort 09/18/2013
Comparing Data Sets: Are Two Data Files the Same? matt Tips-and-tricks, Programming, Python 09/16/2013
Python for automating cluster tasks: Part 2, More advanced commands JR Kasprzyk Tutorial, Programming, Code-examples, Unix, Cluster, Python, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 09/16/2013
Python for automating cluster tasks: Part 1, Getting started JR Kasprzyk Tutorial, Programming, Code-examples, Unix, Cluster, Python, Tips-and-tricks, Tutorials 09/13/2013
Zotero group for shared, synced references Jon Herman Uncategorized 07/24/2014
Git on thecube matt Unix, Programming, Thecube, Git-and-github, Tips-and-tricks, Git 10/29/2013
The Module Command in PBS Scripts on Thecube matt Qsub, Module-load, Unix, Pbs, Thecube, Python, Bash, Tips-and-tricks 10/29/2013
Integrating a MOEA with a sample water management problem JR Kasprzyk Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts, Overview 08/20/2013
Running Sobol Sensitivity Analysis using SALib Jon Herman Sensitivity-analysis, Sobol, Python, Software 08/05/2013
Matlab and Matplotlib Plotting Examples matt Line-plot, Matlab, Gridded-data, Cdf, Scatter-plot, Visualization, Filled-line-plot, Programming, Animated-gif, Animation, Python, Histogram, Matplotlib 08/01/2013
Generating .gifs from Matlab Figures Jon Herman Tips-and-tricks, Matlab, Sensitivity-analysis 07/31/2013
Colorbrewer: Color palettes for your figures Jon Herman Matlab, Tips-and-tricks 07/22/2013
MOEA Performance Metrics JR Kasprzyk Epsilon-indicator, Generational-distance, Many-objective-concepts, Moeaframework, Hypervolume, Moea-performance, Tutorials 06/25/2013
Writing a Paper in Markdown Using Pandoc matt Tips-and-tricks, Software, Latex 06/07/2013
All of the Analysis Code for my Latest Study is on GitHub matt Visualization, Sensitivity-analysis, Code-examples, Moeaframework, Sobol, Git-and-github, Pandas, Python, Source-control, Data-management, Matplotlib 06/07/2013
GitHub Pages JR Kasprzyk Github, Git-and-github, Web-publishing, Code-sharing, Octopress, Git 05/29/2013
Making ssh better Jon Herman Tips-and-tricks, Unix 05/02/2013
Re-evaluating solutions using Python subprocesses JR Kasprzyk Programming, Code-examples, Cluster, Moeaframework, Unix, Command-line, Python, External-problem, Tips, Tips-and-tricks 04/16/2013
Many Objective Robust Decision Making (MORDM): Concepts and Methods Jon Herman Tutorial, Literature, Code-examples, Tutorials, Decision-framework, Moeaframework, Getting-started, Many-objective-robust-decision-making, Many-objective-concepts, Deep-uncertainty 04/16/2013
Connecting to an iPython HTML Notebook on the Cluster Using an SSH Tunnel matt Port-forwarding, Ipython, Visualization, Ssh, Tunnel, Software, Python, Pandas, Html-notebook, Tutorials, Matplotlib 02/14/2013
Installing IPython matt Setup, Notebook, Getting-started, Software, Python, Ipython, Installation 02/14/2013
Python Data Analysis Part 2: Pandas / Matplotlib Live Demo matt Ipython, Visualization, Demo, Code-examples, Pandas, Python, Tutorials, Matplotlib 02/14/2013
Using linux "split" JR Kasprzyk Split, Linux, Man, Unix, Programming, Command-line, Bash, Tips, Data-management, Tips-and-tricks, File-management 02/09/2013
Python Data Analysis Part 1c: Borg Runtime Metrics Plots matt Exercises, Visualization, Python, Pandas, Tutorials, Matplotlib 02/08/2013
Python Data Analysis Part 1b: Setting up Matplotlib and Pandas matt Python 02/08/2013
Python Data Analysis Part 1a: Borg Runtime Metrics Plots (Preparing the Data) matt Exercises, Data-management, Python 02/05/2013
PBS Job Submission with Python Jon Herman Uncategorized 01/24/2013
Quick testing of code online JR Kasprzyk C, Codepad, Programming, Testing, Ideone, Tips-and-tricks 12/27/2012
New Windows install? Here's how to get everything set up JR Kasprzyk Getting-started, Software 08/21/2013
Intro to git Part 2: Remote Repositories Jon Herman Source-control 10/29/2012
Welcome to our blog! JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 10/28/2012
Symbolic Links matt Tips-and-tricks, Unix, File-management 10/27/2012
What's taking up space on your cluster account? matt Tips-and-tricks, Unix, File-management 10/27/2012
Training video: Cluster job submission basics JR Kasprzyk Moea, Tutorial, Moeaframework, Gui, Tutorials, Video 10/26/2012
Training video: MOEAFramework, submitting multiple random seeds JR Kasprzyk Moea, Tutorial, Moeaframework, Gui, Tutorials, Video 10/26/2012
Training video: MOEAframework Sobol Sensitivity Analysis JR Kasprzyk Tutorials, Sensitivity-analysis, Sobol, Moeaframework 10/26/2012
Training video: Elements of Problem Formulation JR Kasprzyk Moea, Tutorial, Video, Tutorials, Gui, Moeaframework, Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts, Overview 10/26/2012
Intro to git Part 1: Local version control Jon Herman Source-control 10/29/2012
Get more screens ... with screen Jon Herman Uncategorized 10/25/2012
Key bindings for Bash history-search Jon Herman Uncategorized 10/23/2012
Some ideas for your Bash submission scripts JR Kasprzyk Tutorial, Job-submission, Unix, Code-examples, Cluster, Code-sample, Bash, Tips-and-tricks, File-management 10/11/2012
Additional information on MOEAframework Setup Guide mxgiuliani Moeaframework 10/11/2012
Debugging MPI By Dave Hadka JR Kasprzyk C, Debugging, Unix, Memory-debugging, Programming, Valgrind, Mpi, Tips-and-tricks, Gdb 10/10/2012
Starting out with the R Sensitivity Package Jon Herman Uncategorized 09/20/2012
Building the PSUADE diagnostics library on Linux Jon Herman Software 09/14/2012
MOEAframework on Windows JR Kasprzyk Installing, Tutorial, Java-development-kit, Moeaframework, Getting-started, Java, Windows, Tutorials 09/12/2012
Running Sobol Sensitivity Analysis using MOEAFramework Jon Herman Software, Moeaframework 08/13/2012
How to specify constraints in MOEAframework (External Problem) JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 08/09/2012
Training video: Java file for external problems JR Kasprzyk Moea, Tutorial, Rosenbrock, Moeaframework, Java, External-problem, Tutorials, Video 08/08/2012
Training video: MOEAFramework GUI rlu5001 Moea, Tutorial, Moeaframework, Gui, Tutorials, Video 08/01/2012
WordPress: How to post a Screenr/YouTube video JR Kasprzyk Tutorial, Youtube, Screenr, Tutorials, Wordpress 08/01/2012
Training Video: External problems in MOEAFramework JR Kasprzyk C, Moea, Tutorial, Code-examples, Rosenbrock, Moeaframework, External-problem 08/01/2012
Using Linux input redirection in a C++ code test JR Kasprzyk C, Numerical-algorithms, Tutorial, Linux, Unix, Code-examples, Input-redirection, Programming, Testing, Bash, Tips, Code-example 08/01/2012
Using linux "grep" JR Kasprzyk Linux, Man, Unix, Programming, Search-for-strings, Command-line, Bash, Grep, Tips, Tips-and-tricks 07/18/2012
Using linux "cut" JR Kasprzyk Cat, File-processing, Linux, Unix, Code-examples, Scripting, Bash, Tips, Tips-and-tricks, Cut 06/26/2012
Using gdb, and notes from the book "Beginning Linux Programming" JR Kasprzyk C, Debugging, Tutorial, Linux, Preprocessor, Unix, Cluster, Programming, Getting-started, Tips-and-tricks, Gdb, Book-recommendations 06/14/2012
Accessing Hammer With Remote Graphics - Updated JR Kasprzyk Remote-desktop, Visualization, Cygwin, Cluster, Hammer, Getting-started, Remote-display, X11 05/29/2012
Converting an SVG to EPS matt Eps, Figure-preparation, Svg, Visualization, Tutorials, Convert 05/18/2012
Emacs in Cygwin Josh Linux, Cygwin, Unix, Emacs 04/27/2012
Speed up your Bash sessions with "alias" Jon Herman C, Java, Programming, Code-examples 04/26/2012
Moving Off-screen Windows in Windows 7 ryanmckelly Tutorial, Tipbox, Tricks, Tips, Tips-and-tricks 04/20/2012
Debugging the NWS model: lessons learned Jon Herman C, Programming, Code-examples 04/19/2012
Common PBS Batch Options ryanmckelly Parallel, Cluster, Unix, Pbs, Moeaframework, Cluster-computing, Cyberstar, Tutorials, Command-line-parameters, Overview 04/12/2012
File IO Within a Loop - Lessons Learned Josh C, Uncategorized, Unix, Programming, Code-examples 04/05/2012
You have a problem integrated into your MOEA, now what? JR Kasprzyk Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts, Tutorials 04/03/2012
Code Sample: Stacked Bars and Lines in Matlab JR Kasprzyk Matlab, Plotting, Plotyy, Visualization, Code-examples, Stacked-bar, Water-use 03/05/2012
AeroVis: Reproducing the DTLZ1 Animation JR Kasprzyk Tutorial, Visualization, Dtlz1, Aerovis, Animation, Powerpoint, Gif, Tutorials 03/01/2012
Getting the most out of academic papers JR Kasprzyk Web-of-knowledge, Uncategorized, Research-tips, Literature, Getting-started 02/21/2012
How to cite packages in R JR Kasprzyk R, Statistical-packages, Citation, Latex, Bibtex 02/20/2012
Beginner's LaTeX Guide rlu5001 Latex 02/22/2012
C++ Training: Libraries JR Kasprzyk Libraries, C, Programming, Linux 02/10/2012
Using YAML in C++ JR Kasprzyk C, Markup-language, Parameter-files, Cluster-computing, Yaml, Yaml-cpp, Libraries 02/09/2012
Setting up Python and Eclipse Josh Scipy, Pydev, Eclipse, Programming, Numpy, Py2exe, Software, Python, Pil, Tutorials, Matplotlib 02/02/2012
Programming Language Overview dhadka C, Java, Programming, Tutorials 02/01/2012
The Ternary Operator matt C, Java, Programming, Code-examples 01/29/2012
Zotero introduction (video) Jon Herman Uncategorized, Bibliography-management 01/26/2012
C++: Vectors vs. Arrays Jon Herman Exercises, C 01/24/2012
C++ Training: Valgrind JR Kasprzyk C, Programming, Memory-debugging, Cluster, Profiling 01/24/2012
C++ Training: Makefiles JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 01/24/2012
MOEAs: Basic Concepts and Reading Jon Herman Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts 01/23/2012
C++ Training: Exercise 1 JR Kasprzyk Exercises, C, Statistics, File-input-output, Learning-programming 01/20/2012
Virtual Machines for Remote Code Development ryanmckelly Tutorial, Linux, Unix, Programming, Remote-development, Getting-started, Centos, Vm, Installation, Virtualbox 02/14/2012
Meeting Notes - January 18 JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 01/18/2012
Running Sobol Sensitivity Analysis Jon Herman Software 01/18/2012
Web-based Free Options for Bibliography Management and LaTeX Editing rlu5001 Google-docs, Bibliography-management, Latex 01/18/2012
Discrete Event System Simulation matt Simulation, Programming, Industrial-engineering, Operations-research 01/17/2012
"The Problem" is the Problem Formulation! Definitions and Getting Started JR Kasprzyk Problem-formulation, Xlrm, Multiobjective, Policy-analysis, Operations-research, Getting-started, Many-objective-concepts, Many-objective 01/18/2012
Matt's Thoughts on C++ matt C, Classes, Programming, Stl 01/16/2012
C++ Training: Using gprof JR Kasprzyk Profiling, C, Unix, Gprof 01/15/2012
Code Sample: Timing Functions for C++ JR Kasprzyk C, Code-examples 01/14/2012
An Alternative File Manager Josh Data-management, Software, File-manager, File-management 01/13/2012
Software for Comparing Files and Directories Josh Winmerge, Data-backup, Data-archiving, Software, Data-management, File-management 01/13/2012
Thoughts on Learning C++ JR Kasprzyk C, Object-oriented-programming, Getting-started, Command-line-parameters, C-syntax 01/13/2012
AeroVis: Turning a Glyph Plot Into a Figure matt Inkscape, Visualization, Adobe-illustrator, Glyph-plots, Aerovis 01/16/2012
AeroVis Documentation Josh Visualization, Getting-started, Aerovis 01/12/2012
The Cluster and Basic UNIX Commands Jon Herman Ssh, Unix, Cluster-computing, Getting-started, Data-management 01/12/2012
Some WordPress Tips JR Kasprzyk Blog, Web-publishing, Wordpress 01/16/2012
Code Sample: Modify AeroVis files for Matlab JR Kasprzyk Visualization, Matlab, Code-examples, Aerovis 01/11/2012
What do you need to learn? JR Kasprzyk Overview 01/11/2012
Software to Install on Personal Computers - For Mac Users! JR Kasprzyk Apple, Visualization, Ssh, Programming, Cluster, Unix, File-transfer, Getting-started, Mac 01/11/2012
Software to Install on Personal Computers JR Kasprzyk Visualization, Programming, Cluster, Unix, File-transfer, Getting-started 01/20/2012
AeroVis: Notes on Making GIFs JR Kasprzyk Visualization, Aerovis, Getting-started, Powerpoint, Animations 01/09/2012
Publishing websites at Penn State JR Kasprzyk Websites, Web-publishing, Getting-started, Psu, Css, Html 01/09/2012
Welcome! JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 01/09/2012
Stochastic Rohini Gupta Uncategorized None
Infrastructure Sequencing as a Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Problem Lillian Lau Uncategorized None
Weather Regime Based Stochastic Weather Generation (Part 1/3) Rohini Gupta Uncategorized None
C raffaelegiuseppecestari Uncategorized None
Exploring time-evolving vulnerability with the newly published interactive tutorial in the Addressing Uncertainty in MultiSector Dynamics Research eBook David Gold Uncategorized None
None David Gold Uncategorized None
Measuring the parallel performance of the Borg MOEA David Gold Uncategorized None
Demonstrating scalability of parallel code on HPC systems David Gold Uncategorized None
Scale-free networks and why they matter Antonia Hadjimichael Uncategorized None
fgs David Gold Uncategorized None
Copying classes with dynamic memory in C++ David Gold Uncategorized None
Data management in Rhodium and Project Platypus Antonia Hadjimichael Uncategorized None
ggplot (Part 1) tinakarimi Uncategorized None
Measuring the Parallel Efficiency of the Borg MOEA David Gold Uncategorized None
Reed Group Interactive Visualization Tools Now Hosted on Github Pages David Gold Uncategorized 03/09/2018
My first blog Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized None
Avoid memory bottlenecks by understanding your cache size (working title) David Gold Uncategorized None
Simplify your Unix command line experience by customizing your .bashrc David Gold Uncategorized None
Making tree diagrams with D3 Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized None
MOEA diagnostics for a simple test case (Part 2/3) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized 08/25/2015
MOEA diagnostics for a simple test case (Part 2/3) Jazmin Zatarain Uncategorized None
Quick and easy C/C++ MPI Tutorial Jon Lamontagne Uncategorized None
Thoughts on using models with a long evaluation time within a Parallel MOEA framework JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized None
Steps for performing comparative analysis JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized None
Github miscellany Jon Herman Uncategorized 03/15/2013
Getting a project ready for GitHub Jon Herman Uncategorized 03/14/2013
Getting code ready for Github Jon Herman Uncategorized 01/29/2013
Processing Data Files to Extract Statistical Information dhadka Uncategorized 09/16/2012
Random Seed Analysis on PBS Systems ryanmckelly Uncategorized None
Using gedit alisharfernandez Gedit, Cygwin, Uncategorized None
Downloading Evolutionary Algorithms JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized None
Discussion on Organizing Literature Josh Efficiency, Archiving, Data-archiving, Literature, Organization, Bibliography-management, Latex, Bibliography, Data-management, References, File-management 01/26/2012
Notes on Cygwin and Eclipse JR Kasprzyk Uncategorized 01/24/2012
Discussion: Moving Forward with MOEAframework matt Source-control, Moeaframework 01/22/2012
Objective Functions for the GAA Problem matt C, Programming, Code-examples, Moeaframework, Java, Software 01/21/2012
MCDM Reading List matt Many-objective-concepts 01/17/2012
BORG Analysis - Approximation sets, reference sets, and metrics Jon Herman Uncategorized, Moeaframework 01/16/2012
MOEAframework: Creating java script files for a problem JR Kasprzyk C, Java, Code-examples, Moeaframework 01/16/2012
MOEAframework: Communicating through stdin JR Kasprzyk C, Code-examples, Moeaframework 01/14/2012