

In the public Google folder linked here, you will be able to locate four Excel spreadsheets that outline basic semester schedule examples and templates. You will find that the first sheet is a summary of the following sheets that contains broad topics/projects of focus. The following sheets contain more detailed tasks broken down by day, paper, assignment, etc. This may be used as a tool to obtain a general overview on what your main time commitments will be throughout the semester. The following list briefly describes the contents of this folder:

  1. Schedule Template.xlsx is a general blank semester scheduling template

  2. Schedule Example [by category].xlsx is an example schedule that partitions overall tasks by category (classes, research, readings, training, etc.)

  3. Schedule Example [by project].xlsx is an example schedule that partitions overall tasks by project (main class final projects, research projects, etc.)

  4. Planning Gantt Chart.xlsx is a Gantt chart template that provides a useful visual aid to help track your progress over the semester.