A guide to Ithaca and Cornell for Visiting Scholars

A guide to Ithaca and Cornell for Visiting Scholars#

So you’re visiting the Reed group soon as a vising scholar! Here we’ll globally lay out the steps you’ll have to go through to get started.

  • [sign documents] After your visit has been arranged, your contact person at Cornell’s HR services will reach out to you with an Offer of Employment and other documents to sign.

  • [visa] With these documents in your pocket, you can arrange your (B1/)B2 visa or ESTA (visa waiver). If you have to get a visa, bring these documents to your interview just in case!

  • [crossing the border] Also bring a print of these documents with you when you pass the border to the US. If you have an ESTA, make sure you indicate upon arrival that you’re visiting for business to obtain the WB stamp.

  • [visa to HR] Send a scan of your visa or stamped ESTA to Cornell’s HR services.

  • [contact information] Let Cornell’s HR services know your local address and phone number. They’ll enter it into the system to start the administrative processes.

  • [netid] You’ll quickly receive an email to activate your netid, which is your gateway into the Cornell webspace.

  • [Cornell ID card] With your netid, you can email the main HR service office (hrservices [at] cornell .edu) to request your Cornell ID Card. They require your netid, a headshot photo, and whether you prefer to pick it up in person or prefer them mailing you the card. It should be printed within a few days. The pickup location is at the East Hill Office Building (395 Pine Tree Rd), which is a hearty walk or a short bike ride away from Hollister Hall.

  • [keys and access] The main office of CEE (Hollister Hall office 220) can help you with keys to the office, and putting building access on your Cornell ID Card.

Hopefully this guide will make your process a little smoother! Good luck and have a great time during your visit!

Some last tips:

  • [food] Quality food can be scarce depending on where you are staying. If you’re staying downtown in the Commons or in Collegetown, there’s the Greenstar Food Co+op supermarket, where you can get good fruit, vegetables and other groceries. If you’re staying in the North, towards Cayuga heights, you have to bike or take a bus. On Saturdays there’s a farmer’s market on the lake with local produce and meats. There’s plenty of places to get lunch, on and off campus – your colleagues will show you around!

  • [bike rental] Using the Ithaca Bikeshare app, you can rent electric bikes to get around. It’s a convenient and cheap way to get around quickly. Be careful – there’s few designated bike lanes!

  • [bus] Using your Cornell ID Card, you can use the local buses for free!