

SALib Logo

SALibis used to implement “…commonly used sensitivity analysis methods, including Sobol, Morris, and FAST methods. Useful in systems modeling to calculate the effects of model inputs or exogenous factors on outputs of interest.”

SALib can be used to generate samples of input parameters, and calculate various sensitivity indices associated with each parameter using a suite of different methods.

For information on how to use SALib, see referenced publications below, the SALib documentation, and the following collection of WaterProgramming blog posts:


Iwanaga, T., Usher, W., & Herman, J. (2022). Toward SALib 2.0: Advancing the accessibility and interpretability of global sensitivity analyses. Socio-Environmental Systems Modelling, 4, 18155. doi:10.18174/sesmo.18155

Herman, J. and Usher, W. (2017) SALib: An open-source Python library for sensitivity analysis. Journal of Open Source Software, 2(9). doi:10.21105/joss.00097